SkyBridge Invest
АО «SkyBridge Invest» представляет новый продукт для розничных инвесторов - SBI Active Fund.
SkyBridge Invest представляет новый логотип
Наш новый фирменный стиль сохраняет имидж компании SkyBridge Invest как компании, открытой к решению новых задач и с индивидуальным подходом к каждому инвестору.

About us

Founded in 2003 in Kazakhstan, SkyBridge Invest JSC (former Compass CMIP JSC) was the first asset management company in Kazakhstan to launch mutual investment funds. In 2014, the Company started to provide brokerage and dealing services

SBI is a professional securities market participant licensed by the National Bank of Kazakhstan under license No. 4.2.192/113 to provide brokerage and dealer services along with customer accounts management as a nominee holder as well as investment portfolio management services  without entitlement to manage voluntary pension contributions in the securities market, and licensed by the AIFC under license No. 112018-012 dated 21 November 2018 to conduct regulated activities within the AIFC

Scope of services provided by SBI include traditional as well as customer tailored and unique services, such as Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) advisory and development of algorithmic trading strategies


SkyBridge Invest provides access to international stock exchanges as well as trades at the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, and conducts specialized trades at the KASE



SkyBridge Invest provides investment banking services to raise debt or equity funding via bonds, IPO/SPO, M&A



SkyBridge Invest professionally manages client assets using tailor-made well-defined sustainable investment strategies


SBI Sigmalion – allow artificial intelligence trade using most liquid instruments


  • SigmaLion Provident Conservative investment portfolio with embedded risk level of 10% per annum
  • SigmaLion Adamant Investment portfolio with embedded risk level of 12% per annum
  • SigmaLion Stellar Aggressive investment portfolio with the risk level of 15% per annum


  • SigmaLion Prime Investment portfolio fully tailored subject to risk budget, which may vary between 6% and 20% per annum, and composition of the portfolio instruments chosen by the investor

Algorithmic strategy development

Algorithmic strategy development.
Technology advancement in the financial sector, specifically, application of algorithms, on the one hand, has increased the speed of transacting, enhanced the integration between stock exchanges, reduced transaction costs, but, on the other hand, it has also reduced the risk premium and impaired the competitive advantage of the traditional (human) trading

SkyBridge Invest believes that automated trading in developed international markets, regardless of their higher complexity and criteria for the required infrastructure, offers greater advantages to investors, such as higher speed and accuracy of market data analysis, as well as strict compliance with the specified trading procedure, which mitigates the risk of emotional decisions

Our achievements

  • First portfolio management company to establish mutual investment funds in Kazakhstan
  • Recognised by reputable international media ("Global Banking and Finance Review Awards", "World Finance", "Cbonds")
  • Awards for Market Leadership in Trading Volume by KASE in 2018 and 2020
  • Awards for Best Underwriter in 2017 and 2019 by KASE